This article applies to the Nebula 300.
1. All routers on WDS should have the same firmware and same router model (If you are using a router that ends with U1, all repeaters needs ONLY to be ending with U1, same with U2 router model. Different router models together DOES NOT work on WDS). Also make sure is the latest firmware you are using if posible.
2. SSID, Channels and Extension Channel should also be the same on all routers on the network.
3. The IP address of the all wireless routers must be different but have to be within the range of the main router. For example: RouterA IP:; RouterB IP:
4. While setting up WDS, the password and security for Wireless should be the same. This will allow the routers to be used in a roaming mode. The password for router settings webpage could be different on each device.
5. DHCP server must be disable for secondary routers. Only the Main router will have the DHCP enable.
6. The routers IP addresses must be outside the DHCP pool.
7. Reboot routers after the configuration is done.
8. For router models with Vertical firmware, the main router allows more than 3 repeaters on WDS mode. For router models with Horizontal and Default Firmware, the main router only allows a maximum of 2 repeaters on WDS mode.
Please try the following steps to setup your Universal Repeater in your new router.
1. Connect you Nexxt Router Nebula 300 to your computer with the Ethernet cable from the Ethernet port to the WAN port in the Nebula 300.
2. Open your default browser, type the IP address and press the keyboard "Enter" to access the main page of the router.
3. In the main page you will need the password. Please type in the password box “admin”.
4. Hit “Advanced” so you can access the configuration page of your router.
5. Go to “Wireless” Tab and then to “Wireless Extender”.
7. Hit “Open Scan” and choose your wireless signal from your main modem.
8. It’s should appeared your Wireless signal name in the “SSID” the “Channel” and the “AP MAC Address” in each box.
9. Choose your “Security Mode” is recommended both routers have the same security type. You can check the type in the “Open Scan Description”.
10. Add the security password from the main modem in the “Key” box.
11. Scroll down and hit “Apply” the router will reboot and your repeater signal is complete.
Below we provided a video guide, that can help you configure the WDS.