Nano Lynx 2.0 MacOs X || Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10/11.
"You can see correctly how to install or do the process correctly of the Nano Lynx 2.0, steps for MacOs X || Windows Vista / 7/8 / 8.1 / 10/11"
- Download the driver installer, choose the correct version of your operating system.
- A file will be downloaded in .rar format, which must be decompressed. you can use the Winrar program.
- Open or unzip the file, you will see an installer inside with name: "IS_Setup_ICS_011916_1.5.39.173.exe" Double click or enter to open.
- The Installer will open, press Next and then Install driver as shown in the images.
- When finished, it asks you to restart the computer. It is recommended to restart it so that it installs correctly and without errors.
- Once installed, you can see the Wi-Fi networks in your Wi-Fi list. In case it does not work out, select the WIFI 2 option as shown in the image.