Home > English > Bolt Family > How to set the AX1800 bolt in repeater mode?
In this tutorial, we will explain how to use one of your bolt nodes as a repeater.
Note: Please take into account that by using the AX1800 in this way, it can only be used individually and not in a mesh network.
To configure the AX1800 or bolt, you will need an existing wifi network, which will be the one the bolt repeats.
Note: This tutorial applies to repeating both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz networks.
On your phone, you will see a wifi network named AX_XXXX (you can check the exact name on the bottom of the node).
You will be taken to a window like the one in the image. In the connection mode, click on the dropdown menu and select “Repeater.”
You will be asked to select the frequency you want to repeat. If it’s a 5G network, select 5G; if it’s 2.4 GHz, select 2.4.
In the next window, enter the password for the wifi network you want to repeat, then click on the option that says "Save."
Then, just click on the button that says "Apply."
After this, you will see a countdown indicating that you need to wait a few seconds. It may stay loading like in the image, or it may inform you that the configuration was successful.
I placed the bolt in its final position, but now it does not have internet access, or the signal quality is poor.